How to create google web stories In Less Than 5 Mins and Earn Money

What is google web stories, how to create google web stories easily and earn money. Plugin to be used for google web stories.

In recent years, web stories have become a popular format for creating interactive and captivating content. Web stories are a great way to tell compelling stories and engage audiences. These mobile-friendly, bite-sized experiences have captured users’ attention across the digital landscape.

Web stories are visually pleasing format that uses images, videos, and text to create a narrative. Creators can showcase their creativity while capturing users’ attention with compelling visuals and concise storytelling. Web stories are a great way to entertain and share information. They can be a travel story, a recipe, or an inside look at the production process.

How To Create Google Web Stories
How To Create Google Web Stories

Google Web Stories is a powerful plugin for WordPress that allows you to create web stories. This plugin seamlessly integrates with WordPress websites and empowers content creators to create stunning web stories without needing complex coding skills or design knowledge. The Google Web Stories plugin offers a simple interface with a variety of customization options. This opens up new possibilities for website owners and storytellers.

You can use the Google Web Stories Plugin to bring your stories alive, inspire your audience’s imagination, and create an unforgettable visual experience and make money online. Web stories are a great way to engage with your audience, whether you’re a blogger or business owner.

We will explore the benefits of web stories in the sections that follow. We will also look at the Google Web Stories Plugin and how to create engaging web stories using WordPress. In case you do not have a website then you can check our post on how to start a successful blog and earn money online.

Let’s get ahead and see more about Google Web Stories

Understanding Web Stories and the Google Web Stories Plugin

Understanding Web Stories and the Google Web Stories Plugin
Understanding Web Stories and the Google Web Stories Plugin

I. What are web stories and their benefits

  1. Engaging and Immersive Experience: Web stories provide a rich and immersive experience that is visually stunning and interactive. They combine beautiful visuals with concise text and multimedia elements. This format engages users and keeps them immersed in the material, leading to a higher retention rate and an improved experience.
  2. Mobile-Friendly & Responsive: Web stories have been designed to be mobile-first, providing optimal viewing on smartphones and tablet devices. They load quickly, adjust to different screen sizes and offer a seamless browsing environment, catering to mobile users’ preferences.
  3. Increased User Interaction: Web stories promote user participation and interaction with interactive elements like quizzes and polls. This interactivity increases engagement and creates a dynamic and personalized storytelling experience.

II. Overview of the Google Web Stories Plugin

Overview of the Google Web Stories Plugin
Overview of the Google Web Stories Plugin

The Google Web Stories WordPress plugin simplifies the creation, management, and publication of web stories. It has a number of features and benefits tailored for web story creation.

  1. User-Friendly Interface: The plugin offers a user-friendly dashboard within WordPress, making it easy for content creators to use.
  2. Templates with a variety of options: The plugin provides a large selection of templates that are pre-designed, which allows users to select from varying layouts and styles. These templates are a great starting point to create visually stunning web stories. They can also be customized according to individual aesthetics or branding.
  3. Multimedia Integration: This plugin allows seamless integration of audio, video, and image files into web stories. Content creators can enhance their storytelling with this feature by adding engaging visuals and multimedia elements.

III. Features and Advantages of Using the Plugin for WordPress Web Stories

  1. Performance Optimization: Google Web Stories automatically creates AMP versions for web stories. This ensures fast loading times on mobile devices and a smooth experience. This optimization enhances performance, increases user engagement, and improves search engine visibility.
  2. Social Sharing and Promotion: Web stories that are created using the plugin can easily be shared on social media platforms. This allows for organic promotion of the content and increases its reach. Web stories can be shared virally, increasing brand awareness and audience growth.
  3. Simple Creation Process: By eliminating the need for complex design or coding skills, this plugin allows content creators to concentrate on creating compelling stories. The intuitive interface simplifies the creation process and allows users to create visually pleasing web stories.

The Google Web Stories plugin is a powerful tool for content creators, offering a user-friendly interface with a variety of templates, integration of multimedia, performance optimization, and streamlined creation. This plugin allows users to unlock the benefits that web stories provide, engage their audience and create meaningful engagement.

How to Install and Setup the Google Web Stories Plugin

How to Install and Setup the Google Web Stories Plugin
How to Install and Setup the Google Web Stories Plugin

A. Accessing the WordPress dashboard and navigating to the plugin section:

  1. Log in to your WordPress website using your credentials.
  2. After logging in, you will be directed to the WordPress dashboard.
  3. In the dashboard, locate the “Plugins” section in the left-hand menu.

B. Searching and installing the Google Web Stories plugin:

  1. Click on the “Plugins” section to expand it and select “Add New.”
  2. In the search bar on the top right corner, enter “Google Web Stories” or relevant keywords like “web story plugin” to search for the plugin.
  3. Once the plugin appears in the search results, click on the “Install Now” button next to the Google Web Stories plugin. Link to Google web stories plugin and you can manually install as well.

C. Activating the plugin and accessing its settings:

  1. After the installation is complete, click on the “Activate” button to activate the Google Web Stories plugin.
  2. Once activated, a new tab or menu item named “Web Stories” will appear in the WordPress dashboard’s left-hand menu.
Activating the plugin and accessing its settings
Activating the plugin and accessing its settings

D. Configuring basic settings for web stories:

  1. Click on the “Web Stories” tab/menu item to access the settings and configuration options.Configuring basic settings for web stories
  2. On the settings page, you will find options to customize various aspects of your web stories, such as appearance, metadata, analytics, and more.Configuring basic settings for web stories
  3. Customize the appearance settings to align with your branding and desired visual style.
  4. Configure metadata settings, including titles, descriptions, and featured images, to optimize the discoverability and presentation of your web stories in search engine results.
  5. Integrate analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, to track the performance and engagement of your web stories.
  6. Explore additional settings and features provided by the plugin to enhance the functionality and customization of your web stories.
  7. By following these steps, you can install and set up the Google Web Stories plugin on your WordPress website. Once configured, you will be ready to create web stories using the plugin’s editor and start creating user-friendly and stackable stories.

How to Create Your First Web Story

A. Launching the web story editor within WordPress:

  1. Open the WordPress dashboard and click on the “Web Stories” tab/menu item.
  2. Select the option to create a new web story to launch the web story editor.create a new web story

B. Understanding the web story editor interface and its components:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the web story editor interface, which typically consists of a toolbar, canvas area, and sidebar.Understanding the web story editor interface and its components
  2. The toolbar provides options for adding elements, adjusting settings, and previewing your web story.
  3. The canvas area is where you design and arrange your story pages, adding content and arranging elements.
  4. The sidebar offers additional customization options and settings for individual story pages.

C. Adding and customizing the cover page of the web story:

  1. Begin by adding a cover page to your web story, which serves as the introduction or starting point.Adding and customizing the cover page of the web story
  2. Use the editor’s features to customize the cover page, such as adding a captivating image, a catchy title, and descriptive text.

D. Designing and arranging story pages using the editor’s features:

  1. Create subsequent story pages and arrange them in a logical sequence to tell your narrative effectively.
  2. Utilize the editor’s features to design and arrange the story pages, such as selecting layouts, adjusting sizes, and organizing content.

E. Incorporating multimedia elements (images, videos, audio) into the web story:

  1. Enhance your web story by incorporating multimedia elements to engage your audience.
  2. Add images, videos, and audio files to relevant story pages using the editor’s media insertion options.

F. Utilizing the interactive capabilities of the Google Web Stories plugin:

  1. Take advantage of the plugin’s interactive capabilities to make your web story more engaging.
  2. Include interactive elements like quizzes, polls, and call-to-action buttons to encourage user interaction.

G. Enhancing the visual appeal with text styles and formatting options:

  1. Use text styles and formatting options provided by the editor to enhance the visual appeal of your web story.
  2. Customize the font, size, color, and formatting of the text to match your storytelling style.

By following these simple steps, you can create your first web story using the Google Web Stories plugin within WordPress. Remember to unleash your creativity, utilize multimedia elements, and incorporate interactive features to captivate your audience and deliver a compelling storytelling experience.

How to Optimize Your Web Story for SEO and Mobile Experience

A. Research keywords for web stories, and incorporate relevant keywords into the story:

  1. Use keyword research to find keywords that are relevant to the theme and content of your stories.
  2. Include these keywords in your content, such as titles, subtitles, and body text to increase search engine visibility.

B. Meta titles and descriptions that are engaging and descriptive:

  1. Create compelling meta titles to accurately reflect your website story and encourage users to click.
  2. Use descriptive meta descriptions to summarize your website’s key points and encourage visitors to continue reading.

C. Use proper heading tags to structure the content.

  1. Use heading tags to structure your web story content logically (H1,H2,H3, etc.). Use heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to logically structure your web content.
  2. To optimize your content for search engines, and to improve your readability, make sure that you include your main keyword in the headings.

D. Optimizing images and multi-media for mobile devices and fast loading:

  1. Compressing and optimizing images will reduce the file size, without compromising on quality. This will ensure faster loading times of web stories.
  2. Consider lazy loading to improve the mobile experience.

E. Ensure mobile responsiveness and smooth web navigation:

  1. Test your web articles on different mobile devices to make sure they display properly.
  2. Improve navigation in your web stories with clear navigation elements, intuitive gestures and simple prompts to help users navigate from page to page.

Implementing these optimization techniques will improve your SEO visibility, increase targeted organic traffic and create a seamless mobile user experience for your audience. To deliver an outstanding web story experience, balance optimization with engaging and compelling content.

How to Earn Money from GOOGLE Web Stories

  • Google Adsense:- You can apply google adsense code to your web stories and the adsense code can be added into the plugin. We have people who are earning more then $500 dollars from web stories using adsense
  • Affiliate Marketing:- You can use Amazon or other affiliate’s link in the web story and one of our blogs is ranking in the tech niche where we are earning money by adding a link of phone or electronic gadget. Read our blog post on how to set up an amazon affiliate account and earn money online.
  • Creating an ecosystem:- Using Google web-stories you can redirect the traffic to your own blog and earn money. You can create a social network which can later be used for email marketing and sharing your products.


The Google Web Stories WordPress plugin offers many benefits to creating interactive and captivating web stories. In this article, we’ve explored the growing popularity of web-based stories and the importance of engaging and interactive content. WordPress users now have a powerful tool in the form of Google Web Stories, which allows them to express their creativity and engage their audience.

The Google Web Stories plugin allows you to create immersive and visually stunning web stories. These stories will leave a lasting impression. With the plugin’s many features, including an intuitive editor and interactive capabilities, you can design and format story pages. You can also incorporate multimedia elements and improve visual appeal by using text styles and formatting options.

You can optimize your web content for search engines by using the right optimization techniques. These include keyword research, meta titles, descriptions, and heading tags.

The Google Web Stories plug-in is the ideal time to start your journey of creating web stories. Use visual storytelling and your storytelling skills to engage your audience.

Web stories will play an important role in the constantly evolving digital landscape. Web stories are becoming more popular, and embracing them will allow you to connect with your audience at a deeper level.

What are you waiting on? Let your imagination soar as you create captivating web stories using the Google Web Stories WordPress plugin. There are many possibilities, and your audience will be blown away by the results.

Read google web stories tutorial and how to earn money in Hindi

Take a journey into the exciting world of web-based stories. It’s time to join the future of web-based stories.

How to create Google web stories in Blogger or WordPress step-by-step process video Guide


Q: What makes web stories different from traditional articles or blog posts?

A: Web stories are a visually rich and interactive format that combines images, videos, and text to deliver a captivating storytelling experience. Unlike traditional articles or blog posts, web stories are designed to be consumed in a mobile-first environment, with a focus on engaging visuals and concise narratives.

Q: Are web stories only meant for mobile devices?

A: While web stories are optimized for mobile devices, they can also be viewed on desktop and tablet devices. However, the immersive and vertical scrolling nature of web stories makes them particularly well-suited for mobile consumption.

Q: How can web stories benefit my website or business?

A: Web stories offer several benefits for websites and businesses. They provide a more engaging and interactive format to captivate users and keep them on your website longer. Web stories can increase user engagement, drive traffic, and boost conversions. They also have the potential to improve search engine visibility and attract new audiences.

Q: Can I create web stories without any coding or design skills?

A: Absolutely! The Google Web Stories plugin for WordPress makes it easy for anyone to create web stories without the need for coding or design skills. The plugin provides a user-friendly interface and a range of customization options to design and arrange your web stories according to your vision.

Q: Can I monetize web stories?

A: Yes, web stories can be monetized through various methods. You can include affiliate links, sponsored content, or advertisements within your web stories. Additionally, web stories can drive traffic to your website or online store, leading to potential revenue generation.

Q: How do I promote my web stories?

A: To promote your web stories, you can leverage social media platforms, email newsletters, and other marketing channels. Share your web stories across your social media accounts, encourage users to share them, and consider collaborating with influencers or other websites to expand your reach.

Q: Can I track the performance of my web stories?

A: Yes, you can track the performance of your web stories using analytics tools. The Google Web Stories plugin provides integration with Google Analytics, allowing you to gather data on user engagement, page views, click-through rates, and other valuable metrics.

Q: Are there any best practices for creating web stories?

A: Yes, there are several best practices to consider when creating web stories. These include using high-quality visuals, keeping text concise and easily readable, utilizing captivating headlines and thumbnails, incorporating interactive elements, optimizing for mobile devices, and regularly testing and refining your web stories based on user feedback and analytics.

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